Thursday, December 31, 2009

Another year gone

So here we are, at the end of another year. Of course calendars and dates have no significance in and of themselves, but they are a convenient reference point. So while I've always been of the opinion that when it comes to a review of the recent past or resolutions for the future any time of the year will do, I'll admit that the end of a calendar year is a convenient time for doing such things. Be that as it may, I'm not going to attempt to present my choices for most notable events of the year, or best book, album, or song (I haven't been keeping up with things enough to do that), nor I am going to make a list of resolutions.

However, having managed to post entries in this blog several times a month for half a year now, I am starting to think about what I'll be doing with it in the future. I may simply keep on posting occasionally on whatever topic I am inspired to write (or rant) about. I may attempt to do a little more light hearted stuff on occasion (perhaps along the lines of "A Dialogue" from a few months back). I'm also thinking about starting up a new blog exclusively for music related posts (or even two, one for Western music and one for Asian music), though if I do that I may end up posting to this blog less often. Anyway, we'll see.

In conclusion, here are some links to a few amusing articles, videos and cartoons (though many are about serious topics). Most are from the top 10 lists from Time magazine (I don't need to bother making my own year-end lists if someone else has done it for me...).,28804,1945379_1945913_1945911,00.html,28804,1945379_1944470_1944478,00.html,28804,1945379_1944470_1944490,00.html,28804,1945379_1945913_1945907,00.html,28804,1945379_1944470_1944482,00.html

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