Monday, October 12, 2009

Some articles on logic and beliefs

I should probably take time to write a new essay discussing at least some of the events of recent days, such as the Nobel committee's interesting selection of Barack Obama as recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. (In brief, I think it was a bit premature, and there were other candidates at least as worthy, but on the other hand it's true that he has had a major impact on the global climate just by changing many people's perception of America. What remains to be seen is whether he can really live up to such high expectations.) However, I'm feeling a bit lazy, so instead I'm just providing a few links to some old articles on a topic I find fascinating, namely people's ability (or inability) to think logically, and the resaons people believe what they believe. Many years back I started an essay of my own along similar lines, but I never finished it. One day I'll get back to it, but in the meantime here are the articles:

Health Care Debate Based on Lack of Logic
By Jeanna Bryner Senior Writer

People Unsure of Beliefs Are More Close-Minded
By Jeanna Bryner, Senior Writer
01 July 2009 11:38 am ET

Monsters, Ghosts and Gods: Why We Believe
By Robert Roy Britt, LiveScience Managing Editor
18 August 2008 11:00 am ET

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