Friday, January 20, 2017

Theme Songs for the Incoming Administration of Deplorables

As the United States prepares to inaugurate the least qualified, most heavily compromised president in its history, everyone is wondering what the future will bring. My own take on Don tRump (aka Pumpkin Hitler) is that not only is he appallingly ignorant and so detached from reality that he (and many of his voters) genuinely cannot tell fact from fiction, but for those reasons he is easily swayed by those he chooses to listen to (mostly those who stroke his massive ego or in some other way help feed his narcissistic view of his own self-importance). His opinions on many important topics seem to reflect those who he last spoke to on that topic. While in theory that would mean that if someone with progressive views managed to get his ear, he might be persuaded to actually do some good, a look at the people he has surrounded himself with so far shows that this is a forlorn hope.

How bad is it? His chief strategist and his main speech writer have white nationalist ties and his national security adviser is an Islamophobe who promotes absurd conspiracy theories. His proposed budget director has such a poor understanding of financial matters that he has suggested that the US could default on its debt without serious consequences. As for his cabinet nominees, they include a business-over-country fossil fuel CEO for Secretary of State, a sexist racist anti-gay anti-voting lock-‘em-up-and-throw-away-the-key hardliner for Secretary of Justice, the unethical and possibly criminal “foreclosure king” for Secretary of the Treasury, an anti-worker fast food CEO for Secretary of Labor, a climate change denying anti-environmentalist for director of the Environmental Protection Agency, an anti-public education billionaire extremist for Secretary of Education, a clueless ex-governor for Secretary of Energy, a clueless doctor who himself said he wasn’t capable of leading a government agency for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, an unethical profits-over-patients former doctor for Secretary of Health, and more. Where they aren’t completely lacking in any relevant experience, they are diametrically opposed to the purposes of the departments and agencies they have been nominated to lead. To say putting them in charge is like the fox guarding the henhouse is an understatement. It’s more like appointing a known pyromaniac as chief of the fire department or putting a known thief in charge of bank security. So the first order of business for not just progressives but anyone who wants to have a functioning government instead of one run by people who will destroy it and most likely take the environment, the economy, health care, voting rights, civil rights and more down with it is to speak loudly and repeatedly against these nominees in the hope that at least some of them can be blocked and replaced with people at least a little less extreme. After all, even past Republicans usually didn’t appoint people this awful (compare GW Bush’s EPA directors with Scott Pruitt, or Reagan’s budget director David Stockman with Mick Mulvaney).

In the meantime, since tRump has had such trouble finding acts willing to perform at his inauguration, I thought I’d go through my music collection and come up with some suitable music for him and his proposed cabinet of deplorables. Unfortunately, even the most ironically exaggerated of these songs could turn out to be scarily accurate if the worst tendencies of the incoming administration are left unrestrained. If they are to remain in the realm of satire rather than prophesy, it will take the collective efforts of all people of conscience and good sense.

Theme Songs for the New Administration

Political Science (Randy Newman) – Randy Newman himself commented that this song is “never out of date, unfortunately.” But this sort of ignorant, nationalistic jingoism is especially reminiscent of the attitudes of tRump and a number of those around him.

Deportee (Woody Guthrie/Martin Hoffman) – It was hearing Cisco Houston's version of this song on a Guthrie compilation I have that inspired me to put together this list. Though it’s more than half a century old, its lyrics (which Guthrie originally wrote as a poem, inspired by a news report about a plane crash that killed several Americans and more than two dozen Mexicans who were being sent back to Mexico and who were not listed by name but just referred to as “deportees”) attack the same kind of dehumanization of undocumented immigrants that characterizes tRump and his followers. Of course we should also remember that Guthrie also wrote a set of lyrics titled “Beach Haven Ain’t My Home (Old Man Trump)” about his greedy, racist landlord Fred Trump – Donnie’s father.

Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) (Marvin Gaye) – This Marvin Gaye classic will unfortunately be an even more accurate depiction of the way we’ve polluted our environment if people like Scott Pruitt, tRump’s nominee for EPA director, get their way.

Pollution (Tom Lehrer) – Another good description of what even a few years of Republican dominance of government is likely to do to our environment. The line about what comes out of the taps is eerily close to what the people of Flint have had to put up with already, and that sort of thing will just get more common in the next few years.

Send the Marines (Tom Lehrer) – This would work as a theme song for a Defense Department headed by "Mad Dog" Mattis.

Murder by Numbers (Sting/Andy Summers) – While this song is more broadly targeted at all political leaders and the ease by which many of them give orders that lead to others’ deaths, it also is a scary reminder of what such power can become if wielded by someone unrestrained by conscience or empathy (neither of which tRump or many of his top nominees seem to have much of).

It's Money That Matters (Randy Newman) – A perfect fit for tRump and his cabinet of greedy billionaires, especially people like Mnuchin, DeVos, Tillerson and Ross, not to mention all the "coddle the wealthy" Republicans in Congress.

Trigger Happy (“Weird” Al Yankovic) – While Weird Al Yankovic, unlike Tom Lehrer or Randy Newman, rarely does songs with a political slant, this original song (a “style parody” of the Beach Boys) is the perfect theme song for all the gun nuts who will run rampant if the “guns everywhere” policies supported by tRump and the Republicans actually become law.

Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2) (Roger Waters) – This grim portrait of a twisted education system seems rather fitting as a theme for what we might expect of education under Betsy DeVos, with her hostility to public schools and promotion of unregulated charter schools that “advance God’s Kingdom”.

Which Way to America (Vernon Reid) – This Living Colour song contrasts the America of the wealthy (and usually white) population and that of the poor (and often minority) population, the sort of inequality that will only get worse under tRump. Their “Cult of Personality” from the same album in some ways fits tRump, though I think of him as belonging to a slightly different category than leaders like Hitler or Stalin, whose evil was more calculated.

Subcity (Tracy Chapman) – A lot of Chapman's songs are about America's neglected underclass, but this song, with its lines about not being able to get any government relief and of course "Please give the President my honest regards/For disregarding me", is particularly appropriate considering the cuts to food stamps and other programs that can be expected from the Republicans.

Hammer to Fall (Brian May) – This apocalyptic Queen song seems fitting as a description of the sword of Damocles we’ll all be living under with tRump in charge. Queen’s “White Man” (also by May) would also be appropriate in reference to Standing Rock and similar disputes.

American Idiot (Armstrong/Dirnt/Cool) – This one is an obvious one, fitting for both tRump and those who voted him into office.

Putin (Randy Newman) – I only discovered this new Newman song today, but it's the perfect theme song for the guy who helped put tRump into office.

We Will All Go Together When We Go (Tom Lehrer) – Let’s just hope this one doesn’t turn out to be prophetic.

I'm Dreaming (Randy Newman) - I just ran across this song today, and I just had to add it. As a Randy Newman fan, I'm a bit embarrassed to have missed hearing this, since it apparently dates back to 2012. He seemingly wrote it in character (as he often does), in this case the character being an Obama-hating tea party type. As such, it makes the perfect theme song for the tRump voter.

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