Thursday, October 11, 2018

A Brief Update

As is readily apparent, I've recently slacked off somewhat on making regular blog posts. April was the first month in which I failed to post anything at all since I started this blog several years ago, and having let myself skip one month, it was easy to let myself skip another and then another. The problem is not so much that I don't have anything to say; on the contrary, I have a great deal to say about (to cite some examples from April and May) the continuing stupidity and downright cruelty of the current US administration, the ongoing efforts by the Chinese government to create a dystopian police state in East Turkestan (or as they call it, Xinjiang), the urgent need to address environmental issues such as climate change and plastic in our oceans, the death of moonwalker and painter Alan Bean, mob violence in India, political changes in Malaysia, and much more (such as, say, the disgraceful vote to confirm a US Supreme Court nominee who not only has been credibly accused of sexual assault but who blatantly lied to the Senate or the Saudi government's outrageous murder of a journalist). It's just that I am constantly being distracted by other things and can't seem to find the time to sit down and write something that I find satisfactory on these issues. Admittedly, it isn't the highest priority at the moment, not because these things aren't important or even that I don't think I have anything worthwhile to say on them, just that given that my blog at the moment functions largely like a journal or diary of private musings, albeit one that is sitting open for anyone who comes across it to read, it has to take second place to other things. Nevertheless, just for my own sake, I will continue to post here, if somewhat sporadically, if only because I find it useful to organize my thoughts on various topics by writing them out, and it can also be a relief to express them out loud, as it were, even if only a few people are likely to hear (i.e., read) them. It's not much fun being opinionated entirely in your own head, and while I do make use of other outlets for expressing my thoughts, whether friends and acquaintances or even comment pages on the Internet (though most of those are rabbit holes that I avoid like the plague), those have their limitations. And if in the future more people become aware of this blog (even an audience that was a sizable fraction of that of my radio show would be something) both old and new posts will acquire additional meaning. Of course with greater attention would come attendant problems such as people uncovering errors or badly worded, even potentially offensive, statements. I would hope that there aren't too many of either of those, but it's hard to be certain. I should probably go back and read everything I've written just in case, but that's another thing that's not high enough on my list of priorities....

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